Tuesday, 7 February 2012

Graphic Design in Sport

Graphic Design and Sports, two loves of my life, and combined, probably the main reason as to how I wanted to peruse a career in design.  Having previously worked full time for a semi professional footie club (soccer to any American friends who may be reading this) in Ireland.

I love looking at design pieces that involve design and sport, whether its an editorial piece or purely a design piece.  No matter how simple or detailed the piece is I like to look at and see if there’s anything I can learn form it, and as I’m still involved in the production of Bray Wanderers match day programme I’ll always take ideas and try put my own twist on them to see if I can incorporate it in the publication.

I absolutely love this design, it gives a great feeling of movement and action while at the same time it has an urban edge to it.  The idea of making the image from typography is something that really appeals to me as it makes you take much more notice and really study the piece.  

Image Source: http://cdnimg.visualizeus.com/thumbs/7c/83/graphic,design,illustration,london,2012,mosaic,olympiad,olympic,games,olympics,tsevis,typography-7c839c33ab8ed134284a27cb42995f1d_m.jpg

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